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  • Writer's pictureOscar Mayr

The adoption of UX and all its disciplines

UX has become a commonly spoken word in the corporate environment used more or less in the right context to indicate digital and non-digital experiences.

On Google Trends we can see that this is true, especially against all the other UX disciplines.

The UX search term has outperformed search terms like Design Thinking by 4:1 in the last few years.

Similar to creating a movement and according to the stages of product adoption, the UX word has gone through a few phases in the past 5 ish decades. But now the adoption of the UX discipline seems to be getting higher and higher.

One of the factors that might have led to this is the spread of the service economy.

Higher management is still in the process to understand how to induce the adoption of customer-centric product delivery among project teams. Yet they recognised its value and profitability.

With UX getting more and more popular, people wonder how to recreate Apple and Amazon-like experiences.

Many organisations are still stuck with the idea that UX is a single discipline and a fair number of people in product management roles think that UX is just a skill to pick up when needed and have some fun with it, let alone having the right UX resources.

UX is a container of disciplines

If we come back to our comparison, we can see that, although UX is a popular searched word there is still a lot to do to embed its significance.

UX like engineering is a container of disciplines that requires capable professionals to be applied.

Only by that understanding, UX thrives and delivers desired results.

Let’s tap into the service economy with UX

The service economy is made of processes, products, and technology that ultimately humans use and experience.

The fact that a gap exists in web searches between the word UX and other UX disciplines may indicate that there is still little awareness or resistance to adopting them.

Might this be the proof that the importance of single UX disciplines has finally been realised by organisations?

Old fashion ways to create software delivered on time are still very much present but change is in the air.

In this era, UX professionals have a great opportunity to establish in organisations and make an impact.

Who will create the next Apple and Amazon like experience?

Only structured, collaborative product teams that understand the value of letting UX and the disciplines within it do their job, strategies with them, co-create, and be curious of what they do, will stand out from the crowd, and deliver outstanding products and services.


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